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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
More Ladies Professional Wrestling from the USA and Japan with twenty matches.
10 exciting matches featuring some of the world's best lady wrestlers. Featured matches include: World Champion Lady X vs Superstar Terri Power, World Tag Team Champions The Glamour Girls vs the No1 Contenders Bambi and Malia Hosaka, and more.
More women's wrestling plus ring brawls and near riot situations which ends up with one wrestler in hospital.
Women's wrestling and its best and most brutal. Compilation of 10 matches, featuring The Glamour Girlsm Candi Divine, Malia Hosakam The Beast and Cheryl Rusa.
Contains 'All Ladies Do It', 'Miranda'. 'Paprika', 'The Key', 'Frivolous Love', 'Black Angel', 'Cheeky' and 'Private'.
A Tinto Brass box set containing 'The Key' which is set in Venice in 1940, the story tells of a man who, unable to relate his bizarre sexual fantasies to his wife, writes them in a diary in the hope that she will read its contents and abandon to in...
Featuring duets with a host of stars: Gladys Knight - 'Guilty', Dionne Warwick - 'Endless Love', Marie Osmond - 'The Way You Do The Things You Do', Tina Turner - 'Hot Legs', Dusty Springfield - 'Upside Down', Sondra Locke - 'Again' and Chaka Khan -...
Commemorative set featuring all 24 episodes of the hit series in which Jennifer Patterson and Clarissa Dickson-Wright buckle-up on their motorcylce and side-car and travel the UK in search of ingredients and recipes.