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Includes three wildlife films produced for IMAX theatres; AFRICA, James Earl Jones narrates this stunning, award-winning IMAX film, exploring the natural beauty and timeless cycles of Africa's Serengeti plains. BEARS is a portrait of one of Earth's...
Includes three wildlife films produced for IMAX theatres; AFRICA, James Earl Jones narrates this stunning, award-winning IMAX film, exploring the natural beauty and timeless cycles of Africa's Serengeti plains. BEARS is a portrait of one of Earth's...
Take a journey into the world of WOLVES as these amazing animals work and play while struggling to survive against the elements. Originally presented in IMAX Theatres.
Timothy Dalton introduces a profile on wolves living in the wild in Alaska, Minnesota, Montana and the Arctic.
Three features. Based on the novel by Patrick O'Brien, 'Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World' is the story of Captain Jack Aubrey of HMS Surprise. When Napoleon sets out to capture Britain, HMS Surprise is sent to the pacific to the Also...
A review of German submarine strategies, campaigns and leaders of the initial stages of World War Two. Focuses particularly on the actions of the notorious Wolf Packs.
A special forces unit, lead by Jack Ford, is deployed to hunt down a renegade soldier who has been infected with a virus that has made him a werewolf. But as the group get nearer to their prey Jack discovers that members of the team are also and on...
This anime fantasy created by Keiko Nobumoto follows a group of wolves, who live among humans, as they embark on a quest to find a legendary paradise on Earth rumoured only to reveal itself to wolves. Kiba, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume each have their to...
This anime fantasy created by Keiko Nobumoto follows a group of wolves, who live among humans, as they embark on a quest to find a legendary paradise on Earth rumored only to reveal itself to wolves. Kiba, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume each have their own...
This anime fantasy created by Keiko Nobumoto follows a group of wolves, who live among humans, as they embark on a quest to find a legendary paradise on Earth rumored only to reveal itself to wolves. Kiba, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume each have their own...
This anime fantasy created by Keiko Nobumoto follows a group of wolves, who live among humans, as they embark on a quest to find a legendary paradise on Earth rumoured only to reveal itself to wolves. Kiba, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume each have their to...
This anime fantasy created by Keiko Nobumoto follows a group of wolves, who live among humans, as they embark on a quest to find a legendary paradise on Earth rumoured only to reveal itself to wolves. Kiba, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume each have their to...
Boasting an impressive crew, including composer Yoko Kanno ('Escaflowne', 'Cowboy Bebop') and director Tensai Okamura (an animator and episode director for 'Cowboy Bebop' and 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'), 'Wolf's Rain' is a Anime series in the epic a...