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Director Allan Goldstein

Director Allan Goldstein

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2001 - A Space Travesty
2001 - A Space Travesty

In this Canadian production, Leslie Nielsen sets out to do for 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY what he did for the police procedural in THE NAKED GUN. Aliens from the planet Vegan have replaced the U.S. President (modelled on Bill Clinton) with a clone, and...

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Jungle Boy
Jungle Boy

A young boy strays from his parents and is attacked by a leopard who in turn is scared off by an elephant. The boy is now set to be raised by the creatures of the jungle.

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Memory Run
Memory Run

It's 2015 and a corrupt legal system puts an innocent man's brain into the body of a dead women. When the new female creation malfunctions she is sent for termination, but escapes into the underworld...

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Pact With The Devil
Pact With The Devil

The mysterious Harry Wooten offers a young actor, Louis, fame, fortune and eternal life, if assumes the identity of Dorian. This turns him into a self-indulgent hell-raiser who stays forever young. But when the true cost of his deal is revealed he...

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