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Director Christopher Barry

Director Christopher Barry

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Doctor Who - Robot
Doctor Who - Robot

Can Doctor Who save the Earth from an atomic war....? A four-part adventure which heralds the start of the Tom Baker era.

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Doctor Who - The Brain Of Morbius
Doctor Who - The Brain Of Morbius

The Time Lords have taken control of the TARDIS, sending the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith into dangerous territory...

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Doctor Who - The Rescue/The Romans
Doctor Who - The Rescue/The Romans

Two episodes taken from the Doctor Who series. In 'The Rescue' the Tardis lands on the planet Dido and the Doctor discovers two humans trapped in a spacecraft. In 'The Romans' the Doctor and his colleagues are in danger in Italy in 64AD.

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Tripods - Series 1-2
Tripods - Series 1-2

Based on the novels by John Christopher, The Tripods was one of the most expensive productions ever undertaken by the BBC, using a huge cast and many new special effects. Originally broadcast in 1984, occupying the Saturday afternoon 'Doctor Who'...

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