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Director William Dear

Director William Dear

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Angels In The Endzone/Angels In The Outfield
Angels In The Endzone/Angels In The Outfield

Two features. In ANGELS IN THE ENDZONE, Lloyd and the heavenly host return to earth to boost the flagging morale of a high school football squad whom gridiron success eludes. The team's star players (teen hunks Gallagher and Lawrence) need extra of...

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Angels In The Outfield
Angels In The Outfield

The down and out California Angels are so bad, one dysfunctional family even begins to compare their own tragedies with this baseball team. When 11-year-old foster child, Roger, hears his drifter Dad sardonically compare the two -- that the chances...

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Harry And The Hendersons
Harry And The Hendersons

The Hendersons are an average American family whose life is changed when, returning home from a camping trip in the wilds of America, their car accidentally hits 'Harry' the 'Bigfoot'...

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Santa Who?
Santa Who?

Busy Santa Claus (Leslie Nielsen) falls out of his sleigh and can't remember who he is or where he came from. Young Zack (Max Morrow) learns the truth and has to persuade the jolly old guy to go back to work or risk ruining Christmas.

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Simon Says
Simon Says

A group of college friends enjoying adulterated shenanigans on a camping trip become the quarry of a homicidal maniac who begins to murder them in innovative yet grisly ways...

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