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Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Alec Baldwin, Nicole Kidman, Bill Pullman, Bebe Neuwirth, George C. Scott, Anne Bancroft, Debrah Farentino, Peter Gallagher, Josef Sommer, David Bowe, Tobin Bell, Gwyneth Paltrow, Peter Gallagher, William Duff-Griffin

Director: Harold Becker

Summary: A college Dean and his wife agree to take in a lodger to cover their rising house restoration costs, but they both get more than they bargained for.

When a brilliant surgeon is accused of savage medical malpractice by his beautiful patient, it's not certain whether he's a competent physician or a malicious monster in this plot-twisting "quadruple indemnity." MALICE is a stylish and sexy thriller, with fine acting from Alec Baldwin and Nicole Kidman. The supporting cast includes George C. Scott, Anne Bancroft, Bill Pullman, Peter Gallagher, Bebe Neuwirth, and Gwyneth Paltrow (in an early screen appearance).

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk In 1981, Absence of Malicewas a prescient drama set in the world of journalism just before its power exploded out of control. The title refers to a verbal loophole effectively allowing invasion of privacy. After months of fruitlessly investigating the disappearance of a prominent figure, the Justice Division contrive to leak a story that'll flush out information. Unfortunately they pick on the one news gal with a moral backbone lurking behind the all-business façade. Sally Field is superb at controlling the contradictions within Megan, and is perfect next to the resolutely calm Gallagher (an Oscar-nominated Paul Newman). His bogus investigation is sure to backfire, and once the two get together it does so in the most satisfying of ways. Shot in gloriously sunny Miami locations, the film has a constant atmosphere of realism. When it's time to point the finger of blame, the film is given over to the starriest of cameos from Wilfred Brimley as the straight-talking Assistant Attorney General. His differentiation between truth and accuracy ought to be required learning for all journalists.

On the DVD:The sound may be mono, but the picture is crisp enough. A minute-long deleted scene expanding Gallagher's business crisis is in poor condition however and doesn't add much. Neither does the theatrical trailer or three mini Filmographies of director Sidney Pollack, Newman and Field. The real extra treat is a 30-minute documentary, which features new interviews with Pollack, writer Kurt Luedtke, Newman and Field. Everyone has fond memories of making the film, even Field despite her bruises after the rough-and-tumble scene with the usually genteel Newman. --Paul Tonks

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Trailer - 1. Original Theatrical, Interactive Menus
Year: 1993
Release Date: February 19, 2001
Runtime: 102 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 078 121 2
Keywords: Malice, General, Thriller
Genre: Thriller

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