Yul Brynner,
Gina Lollobrigida,
George Sanders,
David Farrar
King Vidor
Summary: A biblical epic which tells the story of King Solomon, the clash with his brother and the seductress the Queen Of Sheba who awaits the downfall of Israel.
Yul Brynner stars as the legendary figure of the Bible in King Vidor's only contribution to this popular 1950s genre. When aged King David (Finlay Currie) has a vision from God telling him that Solomon should succeed him as ruler of the Israelites, David heeds His word. This angers his martial brother, Adonijah (George Sanders), who threatens to wrest the throne from his younger brother. Israel thrives under the reign of the wise king, and its success creates uneasiness among the powerful kingdoms of the region. The pharaoh conspires with Sheba (Gina Lollobrigida), granting her access to the Red Sea that she might beseige Solomon with her charm, thereby luring the ruler to his doom. Solomon is dazzled by the queen's beauty and quickly falls under her sway. As the king's attention is turned away from the Lord and the welfare of his people, the country begins to deteriorate. The Lord finally expresses his displeasure with the prevailing atmosphere of licentiousness by destroying the Temple of Jehovah. The chastened Solomon grasps the error of his ways, and a transformed Sheba decides to convert to Judaism. SOLOMON AND SHEBA is the great director's final film, and while it might not be up to the standard he set with DUEL IN THE SUN, THE BIG PARADE, and THE CHAMP, it has an undeniably entertaining camp value that makes it worth watching.