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Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Steven Mackintosh, Ashley Walters, Andy Serkis, Adam Deacon, Ade, Steven Robertson, Tolga Safer, Teddy Nygh, Tracey Whitwell, Danielle Thompson, Stefano Gressieux, Sharon Clarke

Director: Gary Love

Summary: An affluent city boy called Tom finds himself in a predicament that necessitates him buying a gun. Tom decides to buy a gun from drug addict D and meets him in an abandoned warehouse. However, unbeknownst to Tom, the gun he is attempting to purchase is a murder weapon stolen from Hoodwink, a violent criminal...

An affluent city boy called Tom (Stephen Mackintosh, UNDERWORLD – EVOLUTION) finds himself in a predicament that necessitates him buying a gun. Tom decides to buy a gun from drug addict D (Ashley Walters, BULLET BOY) and meets him in an abandoned warehouse in a deprived area of East London. However, unbeknownst to Tom, the gun he is attempting to purchase is a murder weapon stolen from Hoodwink (Andy Serkis, KING KONG), a violent criminal. As the delicate negotiations between Tom and the unpredictable D continue over the snub nosed gun continue, the psychotic Hoodwink attempts to get back the one piece of evidence that could send him to prison. SUGARHOUSE is the debut film by director Gary Love, based on the play COLLISSION by Dominic Leyton. A gritty, powerful urban thriller, the film features outstanding performances by its three main actors, with Andy Serkis in blistering form.

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Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Audio commentary with Gary Love and Ashley Walters, Welcome to D's crib featurette, Trailer
Year: 2007
Release Date: January 7, 2008
Runtime: 90 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: S L I 10625
Keywords: English, General, Thriller, Sugarhouse
Genre: Thriller

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