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Steven Robertson Film Star

Steven Robertson Film Star

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He Kills Coppers
He Kills Coppers

It's August 1966, the long hot summer of World Cup euphoria is suddenly shattered by the brutal slaying of three policemen. The fates of a detective, a journalist and a villain are irrevocably bound up with this shocking event.

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Inside I'm Dancing (Wide Screen)
Inside I'm Dancing (Wide Screen)

On meeting Michael, Rory decides that they must change their lives and so concocts a plan to beat the system. Escaping Carrigmore Home for the Disabled, the duo hire Siobhan to take care of their every need. Her arrival, however, brings with it and...

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An affluent city boy called Tom finds himself in a predicament that necessitates him buying a gun. Tom decides to buy a gun from drug addict D and meets him in an abandoned warehouse. However, unbeknownst to Tom, the gun he is attempting to is a a...

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