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A man with six months left to serve in prison is moved to a maximum security site under the sadistic hand of a warden with a personal vendetta against him. He must risk all to stand up to the torture and degradation the warden has created.
Based on actual events, this black comedy-drama stars Nicholas Cage as international arms smuggler Uri Orlov. The story follows Uri from his humble beginnings as a Soviet immigrant in 1970s Brooklyn and peaks with his involvement in selling off the...
Based on actual events, this black comedy-drama stars Nicholas Cage as international arms smuggler Uri Orlov. The story follows Uri from his humble beginnings as a Soviet immigrant in 1970s Brooklyn and peaks with his involvement in selling off the...
Based on actual events, this black comedy-drama stars Nicholas Cage as international arms smuggler Uri Orlov. The story follows Uri from his humble beginnings as a Soviet immigrant in 1970s Brooklyn and peaks with his involvement in selling off the...
Based on actual events, this black comedy-drama stars Nicholas Cage as international arms smuggler Uri Orlov. The story follows Uri from his humble beginnings as a Soviet immigrant in 1970s Brooklyn and peaks with his involvement in selling off the...
With the release of Robert Altman's M.A.S.H. in 1970, a new form of comedy was born, one that would help to forever change the face of cinema. Altman's audacious film reflected the American counterculture's growing distrust of religion and in the a...
A celebration of Michael Caine's most iconic films, including EDUCATING RITA, THE FOURTH PROTOCOL, THE EAGLE HAS LANDED, THE IPCRESS FILE, and WITHOUT A CLUE.
Sherlock Holmes investigates the grisly murders committed by Jack The Ripper
This outrageous, raunchy, screwball comedy, set in an American college, follows the hilarious adventures of the rowdy Delta fraternity.
Based on an Agatha Christie story, the plot revolves around a murder case where a man was hanged for his mother's murder even though he maintained he was innocent. Two years after, his missing alibi turns up, starting an investigation into who did...
An intense study of a family being torn apart by tension and tragedy. Donald Sutherland and Mary Tyler Moore star as the upper-middle-class couple whose 'ordinary' life is shattered by the death of their eldest son in a boating accident. Based on...
An outbreak of a deadly virus threatens the population of Cedar Creek when it emerges from a rain forest where it has remained dormant.
Alex (William H. Macy) is having a midlife crisis; not only is he unhappy with his marriage, but he wants to get out of the family business, which happens to be killing people for hire. Seeking help, Alex turns to Dr. Josh Parks (John Ritter) for a...
Alex (William H. Macy) is having a midlife crisis; not only is he unhappy with his marriage, but he wants to get out of the family business, which happens to be killing people for hire. Seeking help, Alex turns to Dr. Josh Parks (John Ritter) for a...
This version of Jane Austen's fiercely beloved novel has the daunting task of living up not only to the classic book, but also to the excellent 1995 miniseries of the same name. Yet 2005's PRIDE & PREJUDICE is up to the task, thanks to lively a an...