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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
Based on the popular series of young adult books dating back to the 1920s, THE HARDY BOYS NANCY DREW MYSTERIES began airing in 1977. The Hardy Boys were adolescent detectives whose adventures appeared in alternating weeks with those of similarly...
The first series from the television programme concerning the adventures of a Northern pensioner who wakes up on her 60th birthday and decides to become a PI.
The second series from the television programme concerning the adventures of the Northern pensioner turned PI.
Features the first ever episode of the popular detective series. Hetty decides to track down the long-lost son of her friend's husband.
The Baskerville curse claims another life. With the new heir set on taking up his position at the family home it's down to Holmes and Watson to prevent further killings. Based on the Arthur Conan Doyle thriller.
The death of Sir Charles Baskerville and the danger faced by the new heir, brings Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson a puzzling case. Is the two hundred year old curse really responsible for a hellhound that wanders the moors looking for a...
An adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's murder mystery set on Dartmoor.
Inspector Lynley and Sargent Havers first team up for a murder case in Keldale. In the first series they investigate four crime mysteries including the disappearance of a boy from a public school, the murders of a playwright, a University student a...
Two episodes from the popular TV detective series. In 'The Dead Of Jericho' Morse investigates the death of Anne Stavely and in 'The Silent World Of Nicholas Quinn' someone is selling examination secrets.
The incredibly high murder rate in Oxford continues almost unabated in another two INSPECTOR MORSE mysteries. This time, Morse (John Thaw) and Lewis (Kevin Whately) are called in to investigate the death of a playboy architect (THE SECRET OF BAY of...
In 'The Sins Of The Fathers' Morse investigates the murder of a managing director whose family company is about to be acquired by a multi-national. In 'Driven To Distraction' two women are murdered but Morse can find no motive.
In 'Masonic Mysteries' Morse becomes the chief suspect in a murder case. He must convince Lewis of his innocence and catch the real killer of Beryl Newsome. In 'Second Time Around' the murder of a retired Deputy Police Commissioner is investigated....
This collection present two more feature-length episodes of the beloved INSPECTOR MORSE mystery series. In FAT CHANCE, Morse (John Thaw) investigates the death of a female deacon. In WHO KILLED HARRY FIELD